Sport Resources
Jan 30, 2025

Artistic Swimming - Routine Timing

Artistic Swimming New Zealand rules and regulations around Routine Timing

Routine Timing in New Zealand competitions is conducted according to FINA Rules section AS 14 and AS AG5, with the exception of special modifications stated on this page for Competitive Level TWO - Dolphins, Aquanauts, Aquarinas. To reference the FINA rules follow this link to the FINA site FINA Artistic Swimming Rules.

Competitive Level ONE - as per FINA Routines Time Limits 2018 - 2021.

The following tables list the FINA time limits for routines in Competitive Level ONE.

Competitive Level TWO - SSNZ Specific Rules Time Limits 2018 - 2021.

The following table lists the SSNZ time limits for routines in Competitive Level TWO. For more information on Competitive Levels - see the NZ Competitions Rules