Athlete 365 - Mental Health and Athlete Development Overview

International Olympic Committee published and developed resources for the Athlete365 initiative

These resources were developed and published by the International Olympic Committee - All links on this page redirect to the Athlete 365 portal hosted on the Olympics website.

Athlete365 is an International Olympic Committee initiative created by athletes, for athletes. Its purpose is to support athletes throughout their journey in sport on and off the field. Athlete365 provides tools, services and a global network to help athletes tackle the challenges that come with competing at the elite level.

The resources available are NOT limited to elite athletes and are available to be viewed at your leisure, the #MentallyFit suite looks to educate and inform athletes on well-being and mental health.

Click the links below to find out more

The Sleep suite is designed for athletes who want to improve a crucial but often neglected component of recovery — sleep. Athlete365's suite addresses every aspect of sleep and guides you through optimising it. It helps you identify typical sleep issues and equips you with techniques and solutions to sleep more soundly. Explore how restorative sleep can boost both your performance and general well-being.

Deal with Sleep

Throughout the Athlete365 Sleep E-Learning course, you'll learn how improved sleep can lead to enhanced athletic performance, reduced injury risk, and better mental clarity. By incorporating the course's practical tips into your routine, you'll be able to create a personalised sleep plan that supports both your physical and mental goals.

Click here to access the course